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She hated the mess in her son’s bedroom, and the table fixed everything!
Kids love to play and create, which means they’re constantly making a mess. It’s creativity in full action, but it also means there’s a new pile to pick up every time you turn your back for a few minutes.
Parents will do anything they can do downsize the amount piles and make life a little bit easier.
That’s what Sarah from the blog, A Little of This, A Little of That, was dealing with when her son discovered his love for legos.
“It took about one day of me stepping on teeny tiny pieces to decide I had to do something to organize it all,” Sarah wrote on her blog post about the project.
So, she decided to use a table from IKEA to make the perfect, Lego-playing station for her son!
Sarah made the project by using an Ingo dining table and Trofast buckets from IKEA, along with a few other supplies to put it all together.
- IKEA Ingo Dining Table
- IKEA Trofast buckets (I got the medium sized ones)
- Jigsaw
- Drill with spade bit
- Sandpaper
- Spray Paint
- Clear Sealan